A Better Body Lotion
+ Protection and maintenance of the skins natural microbiome
+ Improving skin barrier function
+ Rejuvenating skin cellular functions
+ Improving skin elasticity and surface smoothness
It is my belief that if you are going to make a new product it should be something that will be better than what is currently available, with this comes one of the biggest challenges in keeping our price to the consumer within an affordable margin. I have heard the saying 'good health decisions are rarely good business decisions', and with this comes the reason our Thera Wise products are always cost a bit more. Although our lotion may cost a bit more than the other brands, your skin will thank you for making a truly healthy and functional choice.
Some key initiative to our Body Lotion was a desire to source science-backed bioactive plant extracts grown closer to home (in North America). I believe the nature that surrounds us has a better bio-affinity with our bodies. What we are more recently learning is that these Northern plants contain previously unknown unique and rare properties that enable them to survive and thrive, can also protect, rejuvenate and benefit sensitive and delicate skin.
Although not grown in North America our lovely combination of Mimosa Flower and Yuzu Citrus Peel Essential Oils add a subtle, gentle touch of elegance, tenderness and warm healing energy to complete an experience of a body lotion you cannot live without.
Since the introduction of our new Body Lotion, we have been received rave reviews . We hope you can experience this luxurious body lotion as well, you deserve it.