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      I must say this is the very best cream you can get. I had a doctor’s prescription for years and it doesn’t come close to your product.
      Anne, Parksville BC

      I have suffered from hemorrhoid tags that have been with me for 25 years–always flaring up [swelling] causing great discomfort–I bought a tube of Thera Wise Natural  Hemorrhoidial cream in Vancouver when we were visiting in June 2012 – & have not had a problem since–highly recommend this product to anybody with a hemorrhoid problem.
      Doug, Ontario

      Your natural hemorrhoidal cream worked great. I have bought 3 boxes for relatives back home that I know also suffer. I will help get the word out about your product!
      June, Alberta

      I just wanted to thank you for such a wonderful product. I’ve never used your  ointment for haemorrhoids, but I have for fissures. They just never heal on their own. I tried everything I could find to help when I saw your product and thought I’d try it. It instantly relieved the discomfort and within days the fissure was healed over and it continues to strengthen the area. I’ve relied on this product on 2 occasions now and it’s so fantastic I don’t know why you don’t list fissures as a condition the cream treats.
      K. Sundar, ON

      Really impressed with the hemorrhoidal ointment as being the most unique product you have and a gap in the market as well–nothing much out there for this condition, although quite common, as you know. Actually heals, doesn’t merely sooth, as Preparation H-type products do.
      Gabriella, Edmonton

      Worked great, did not leave that greasy sticky feeling like preparation H that adds insult to injury. I will keep you posted about my condition
      Trish, Kamloops BC

      Just wanted to say thanks for such a great product. After trying many different methods, from natural to prescription strength, your HmR Hemorrhoidal ointment worked the best. Your ointment provided quick relief from the discomfort and stopped further inflammation. I would definitely recommend this product to others. Thanks again.
      Matt, Hawaii USA